In the fall of 2007, at 11-years-old, my twin sister
and I competed on the high school swim and dive team. At our first meet, we earned varsity scores. By the
end of the season, we'd learned all the dives required for varsity standing. I would like to add... we were eleven years
My twin sister Rebecca was the only freshman out of six high
schools to earn a place at the divisional meet. Even though she had the flu, she beat out the majority of the teenage
girls in the competition, including three high school seniors, and I want to add... she was only 11 years old.
Since the end of dive season, we have continued to work on our dives.
We are now doing the forward 1.5 somersault, which is beyond the required dives for varsity level. It's more like a
college-level dive, and I would like to add... we're 11 years old.
In January 2008, we competed in our first chess tournament ever, and qualified
for state. A few months later, we qualified for nationals.
In March 2008, we joined the gymnastics club. Most of the girls have
been in the club since they were five, so we have a lot of catching up to do. We can do front walkovers, front handsprings,
etc., but we're behind in the backward stuff, the bars and beam. We're doing great on vault because of our training
on the high school dive team.
In the Spring of 2008, we competed on the high school tennis team.
The coach paired us as doubles partners. We were undefeated on the high school tennis team.
Click on our photo gallery to see a demonstration of
gymnastics and competitive diving.
Our athletic training includes:
Horseback Riding
Swim & Dive
We also have dance training in ballet, hip-hop, jazz and modern.
Sports yet to conquer:
Downhill Skiing
Water Skiing
Competitive Cheerleading